Information you supply via the various electronic forms available on our Web site will only be used for the purpose[s] stated. Information you provide in e-mails to us will only be used for the purpose [which we reasonably believe] that you give it to us for.
Information you provide may be used for statistical research but will not be used in any way [beyond its original purpose] that enables you to be identified. You will not receive unsolicited paper or electronic mail as a result of using an electronic form unless we explicitly ask for and get your permission with the exception of system upgrade information which we may send to you occasionally to enhance your use of the system.
With the exception of occasional customer satisfaction surveys concerning the web site we will not send unsolicited e-mails to your address. No marketing information will be collected or stored or disseminated to any third party. If you request us to we will remove your email address from our records.
We do not use cookies for collecting user information from the site other than auto-login and we will not collect any information about you except that required for system administration of the Web server.